Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

Yesterday was Mother's Day and it was a wonderful day. I celebrated with Brother Bear on Friday and yesterday Papa, Sister and I went to my parents for the day. It was a wonderful day and I feel so blessed to have such a great family. I had a friend lose his mother this year and seeing that loss and his pain makes me more thankful than ever for my mother, and my mother in law. We are so lucky they are here in our lives, healthy and close by.

Mothers often do not get the appreciation they deserve, and I know that now that I am a full time mom. It is hard work and it is a never ending job. But, I wouldn't trade it for anything. I worry all the time about Brother and Sister but I look forward to everyday with them. I love teaching them things and watching them grow. I love seeing their interests change and evolve. Sister is just starting to take interest in toys and it is so fun to watch her try so hard to get a toy that is just out of reach. Brother recently learned to ride his bike without training wheels and it was really one of the proudest moments thus far. His sense of accomplishment as he took off down the sidewalk all by himself was so amazing to see.

I love my children and my husband. As my mother always said,
"If it wasn't for your father
would your mother be your mother?
So remember dad on Mother's day"
Well I think I told Papa 100 times yesterday how thankful I am for him and how lucky we are to have him. I thanked him for making me a mom, first a step mom to Brother and now a mom to Sister. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have this fabulous family.

I loved Mother's Day and look forward to many more. I am forever a Mother now, nothing will ever change that.

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