Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sleeping Arrangements

Since before Sister Bear was born I knew that I wanted her to sleep in our room, but also get used to her crib. At first Papa Bear wasn't too interested in her staying in our room but he changed his mind before she arrived. Our room is upstairs and hers is down, it didn't seem safe to be trudging up and down the stairs a few times every night. We registered for a wonderful pack'n'play and received it. It is so awesome. It has a changing table attached as well as what they call a newborn napper, where she can sleep while she is tiny.

When she was just home from the hospital, she pretty much napped wherever. In our arms, on the boppy next to us on the couch were the most popular places. She slept in the newborn napper and was a great sleeper from the start.

At about 2 months she napped more in the swing and less in our arms. We would put her to bed in the swing and take her upstairs with us when we went to bed. It was working out great.

At about 3.5 months we started putting her in the crib for naps. She did great transitioning to the crib and that is really the only place she naps, unless she naps for a bit in the car. We even started putting her to bed in the crib and she sleeps great in there. We still grab her from the crib and bring her upstairs with us when we go to bed. We just recently took the newborn napper out of the pack'n'play and she sleeps in the bassinet part. Not for long though, there is a 15 lb weight limit.

I often wonder how long we will do this switch a roo. She sleeps wonderfully in her crib, and granted, she doesn't wake her up when I bring her upstairs, but still. I feel guilty disrupting her. I know I am 100% doing this for my benefit. She does not need to sleep in our room, I just love having her there and I feel better knowing she is right by my side. Plus, when she loses her paci it's very easy for me to go pop it back in.

I feel proud that she is good sleeping in her crib. A lot of babies don't like their cribs, and I am aware that we are so lucky she sleeps well. I just need to bite the bullet and one of these nights leave her alone. Maybe when she is 6 months.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I am your very FIRST follower! I found your blog through the "D-List". I have read all your posts and can relate - especially to the moving to a new (snooty) neighbourhood - someone on my street actually told me our family were the only 'non-original owners', like that should make a difference! We too have no family near by, but were lucky enough to have a friend move close last summer. I don't approach other moms in the neighbourhood, though I would LOVE to make an actual good friend - one to come over, share a drink and watch the kids play.

    I started blogging just last month and would love if you'd stop by and follow ;) I'm hosting my own giveaway right now and your chances are pretty good... still learning how to gain more followers!

    Take care!
